Sunday, September 4, 2011

The best laid five-year plans of mice and men...

I apologize for the lack of blog entries lately, it seems that for the last few weeks there has been someone off stage who is constantly tossing another object into the juggling act that is my life. But, as the saying goes, if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.

I have been working on a fundraiser / celebration for Raleigh's International Month. There have been seemingly endless meetings in preparation for the International Festival, along with hundreds of emails between my brother and I as we plan a family visit to Asia with my father (Hong Kong, Singapore, and Vietnam). Add to that preparing for a couple of job interviews, an earthquake, and a hurricane, and it is easy to understand why my posting has fallen off lately. Not from a lack of inspiring topics mind you, but more from the exceedingly strong gravitational force of my sofa and bed. I have been a little tired and a bit irritable. The topics that have popped into my mind have also been a little on the negative side, so I have been letting them percolate for a while in order to capture all the flavor without the bitter aftertaste.... ahhh, who am I kidding ;-)  

Anyway....Let's talk about me...some history.

During my time in Greensboro, and possibly a bit before I relocated there, I took a look at my life and formulated a five year plan. I wanted to buy a house, get another degree, and refocus my career onto a different path. I was successful in that I found a great home to gut and remodel. I had a job that I eventually came to enjoy that also paid for my tuition, and I got to know and love my younger brother much better, but I really had no friends there except for people that I knew from work. Needless to say, a single man in his late 30's had no place to play in a blue-collar, bring-your-family-with-you city like the one in which I was living.

During this time, my brother got married to a lovely woman and they eventually moved to Asia to be closer to his work. I completed my degree and the house remodel. Once I reached the goals I had originally set for myself in my first five year plan I started getting a little restless. So, I sold the house and downsized into a 650 square foot apartment with the thought of seeking a job in Washington DC as a petty bureaucrat. My job search in the nation's capital did not go as planned. However, I let slip that I was in the market for a new job to one of the software vendors I worked with, and in a few weeks, I was off to a new adventure.

I relocated back to Raleigh - a downtown condominium this time. And formulated a new five year plan. This one was to live among friends and closer to family, to be more involved in my world, and to enjoy the travel benefits of my new job. Of course, I soon discovered that traveling for work is not nearly as glamorous as I imagined, but I had the opportunity to work in Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Wales, England, and all over the United States. Not a bad gig, but after three years on the road, it was time for a change. This time to a job with no travel required, in an office that is located two blocks from my home, with a group of people that were young, smart, exciting, funny, and dedicated (thanks Niki B.).

The allure of these wonderful people and my fantastic job has pushed me a few years beyond my second five year plan. I have been quite involved in my community, I have excelled at my work, and I am surrounded by wonderful friends. But, I am starting to feel a little restless again. Perhaps it is because I feel a little over-extended? Maybe it is due to the migration of my work buddies to other companies. It could be that with retirement looming in less than 20 years, it is time to reconsider my longest-term goals. Or, perhaps it is time to make a five year plan that is less about public accomplishments and more focused internally, spiritually, with a touch of soul searching as well as an openness to love - again. 

However the plan formulates itself, I can feel that the winds of change are blowing in my direction. There is something about the last few weeks that has forced me to consider where I am and where I want to be. Nothing like a good earthquake to shake things up a bit. Stay tuned.


  1. Wistful appeals to me. I liked this post a lot. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wherever your path takes you, you will excel, my dear dear friend - of course if it takes you to far away, there will be hell to pay with me :-)
    Love you!

  3. glad i went back through the archive to read this! xxoo
