Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hello Singapore

We were up and on our way early Sunday morning to the Hong Kong airport.  We nearly had an Amazing Race moment.  The desk clerk was going through the list of normal questions, "How was your stay? Did you consume anything from your mini-bar? Did you clean out your room safe?" which reminded me that our passports were still in the room.  Disaster averted.

Once those were retrieved, we were off to Hong Kong International airport.  This airport is huge, but luckily, Hong Kong residents are not early risers, so we mostly had this amazingly modern airport to ourselves. Once we were checked in, we dashed for the train to get to the next train to get to our departure area. Since we had skipped breakfast at the hotel, we were feverishly seeking some coffee and food.  Good for us that Starbucks has a worldwide presence. Then we had to choose between noodles or McDonald's.  Due to our time restraints, we opted for a taste of home. I have to say, the Sausage McMuffin, is a taste sensation.

We literally squeezed onto the bus to be delivered plane-side. My brother had quietly suggested that we request an aisle seat when checking in, but I figured it would be like home - only the most frequent flyers would have them on a full flight.  Lesson learned. Asian discount airlines are not built for full size Americans, or for extra full size American fathers. We will definitely spend the extra bucks for the extra space if we have opportunity on our flight to Vietnam Friday.

Dad and I had seats together, so I cowboyed up and took the middle seat.  I am strong - I can suffer through any physical discomfort for 3.5 hours. By completely relaxing and lying my head back on the headrest, I could almost not feel my knees pressed into the seat in front of me and I was able to capture some Z's during the flight.

The arrival in Singapore was without incident.  I was very excited to see Maryana and boys. I do feel as if we have invaded their life for the next five days, but I guess that is what family is for.

The boys are delightful. Ozzy is a handsome, brave, rambunctious three year old who is excited to have a new playmate in his grandpa. Sawyer is a big flirt who stole my heart away at first glance. It goes without saying that Grandpa and Uncle Glenn kept the boys up way past their bedtime last night.  But we learned our lesson this morning. Ozzy vocalized my Monday morning feelings this morning as he cried and screamed that he did not want to go to school, "Don't want - papa don't want!"  But all was well and the house has quietened down a bit. Once this thunderstorm passes, I am going to drag dad over to the hawker center for some Singaporean breakfast treats and start to plan our week here. Tonight is Sawyer's first birthday, so we are staying in to celebrate with some green curry and Mickey Mouse birthday cake.  It is oddly comforting to once again be in the bosom of my family.  I guess it is true that you don't realize what you miss until you are confronted with it again.  It should be a great week.

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