Monday, July 25, 2011

Lost Weekend Recounted

I found myself a bit over-wrought and over worked when the weekend finally started last Friday. My lovely boss encouraged me to start my weekend early, so I packed it in around 3:30 and headed home. Once in the welcoming confines of my abode, I packed up my gym bag, prepared a snack, and then curled up on the couch for a nap instead of heading out for a workout.

I blamed my general malaise on the summer's first sustained heatwave.  It had been bumping up against 100 degrees for several days in a row.  Not to mention that I had been busy all week at work, trying to get in gym time, and attending meetings for the International Festival.  So, I tossed all care to the wind, turned on the TV, and had a lovely nap.  Of course, the plan was to sleep for an hour of so, and then head to the gym. Instead, I laid a few more paving stones on that famous road, but the rest was quite nice.

I finished off the evening by watching True Grit. It left me strangely empty. The film included all the quirky characters for which the Coen brothers' movies are famous.  However, for some reason, I felt a little empty at its conclusion.  It was well-crafted, beautifully filmed, rather violent, but for some reason there seemed to be a disjointed feel to it.  More like a series of vignettes strung together into a revenge/quest movie than a coherent film.  It reminded me a bit of O Brother, Where Art Thou? With that said, the actor's performances were all quite impressive - Matt Damon's dialog was quite humorous, particularly after the scene where he bites through his tongue.  After the movie, I was off to bed for an early night in.

Saturday started out as a normal "chores and errands" day. The house was cleaned, the shopping list was composed, and the gym bag was again brought downstairs. Then I got a text from my friend Dan who was having a Saturday brew at the Flying Saucer.  Which, sounded like a lot more fun than a sweaty workout. So I joined him for some carb loading. After a couple of pints, we decided that some pool time was necessary to beat the heat, so we headed around the corner to his place at the Hue. Dan pulled out some bathing suits for me to try on (too gay, too gay, just right...) and we spent the afternoon swilling PBR at the pool - topped off by a Manhattan and plans to meet up later.

When I left Dan's, I proceeded to place a few more pavers on my road to Hell, as I had planned to at least get my shopping done, but my friend Arjay texted that he had finished up the release we have been working on for so long and that he was at Tir Na Nog having a celebratory pint.  Of course, by this time, I had no self control left, so I headed over to the pub and had two more pints. Yum Yum. 

There are some advantages to living downtown. You can walk, or stagger, everywhere....and by this time, I was pretty buzzed, so I headed home and had a nap. Do you detect a theme here?

Anyway, the Temper-Pedic mattress worked its magic and I woke up refreshed. A quick dinner, shower, and I was off to meet friends at Flex. My friend John, who documents all details of his life here, was there and we talked about the passing of our friend, Joe's mother. We also discussed our respective blogs and had a few laughs.  His dedication to his blog is an inspiration to me, he can also always get a laugh out of me, so it is always a special treat running into him. And, did I mention it was underwear night at Flex? 

My friend Dan arrived shortly after my first beer. Suffice it to say that the evening devolved quickly into beers, shots, a skinny porn star, shirtless dancing, jock straps, and other sorts of minor debauchery. Why? Why? Why? 

So, my weekend pretty much ended the way it started.  I was up around 9:00 on Sunday, did a little reading, made brunch, retrieved my gym bag from upstairs, had a nap instead of a workout, skipped Sunday-Funday with Arjay and Cathy, cooked dinner, watched a little TV, and went to bed early. All in all, a weekend of relaxation and napping. I am definitely caught up on my rest.

And, I have a date scheduled for Friday. I guess I didn't leave all my integrity on the dance floor... or did I?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who defers a workout to a nap. :-)

    Robert (my imaginary boyfriend) is much more ambitious than us—he goes so far as to do a "drive-by," which at least gets you close enough in proximity to not be lying when you say, "Yeah, I went to the gym today."

    Enjoyed this posting! Thanks for the shout-out, although LJ has been down for over 7 hours now, and that link to my blog isn't currently working.
