Monday, July 18, 2011

Hairy Potter - Indeed!

I don't think that there would be much debate as to which movie released this summer has been the most anticipated event.  My sister, nieces (16 and 14 years old), and visiting friends from Spain, were all lined up Thursday night for the midnight showing of the last Harry Potter movie - the Deathly Hallows Pt. II.

Before we go too far with this posting, please be assured that there will be no spoilers. But, there are a few things you should know about me as a reviewer:
  1. I have not read the Harry Potter books
  2. I have seen all the movies.
  3. I get misty when watching well-constructed commericials on television
  4. I usually only go to the movies when I am dating someone or when there is an event movie.
Since I work with quite a few of the Hogwart's set, I decided that if I wanted to have no expectations, I needed to see the movie this weekend.  Otherwise it would fall off the radar or my expectations would be so high that I would be disappointed / underwelmed (Can anyone say The Hangover - anyone?).

I headed off to the theater Sunday afternoon.  My thoughts were that if I got far enough out of Raleigh, I should be able to get into an early afternoon showing.  Silly me, the 3:00 showing was sold out, so I went ahead and bought a ticket for the 3:20 3D feature for $11.  I was aghast - those are IMAX prices and I was in Garner - at a matinee. I also learned why they don't post the prices for the concessions anymore.  A medium popcorn and drink were $12.25.  For $23 I could have had a lovely sushi dinner, a few cocktails, and maybe a little something afterwards.  However, I had left for the movie straight from the gym, so I knew I would get hungry.  Lesson learned.

Since I have not read the books, I could only go on expectations based on the movie franchise. Truthfully, I thought numbers 4 and 5 were a little lack-luster, but I thoroughly enjoyed part 6. I thought the story telling was very mature and set up the final chapter nicely. It was nice to have more time with the main characters rather than the teachers, although they are all very excellent character actors.

I was not disappointed.  The final movie picked up with the last scene from Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 and it was a non-stop thrill ride right up to the finish. There was less humor, however the few laughs were on the ironic side and well earned. There were several scenes that made me realize just how much of an investment I have made to the franchise over the last 10 years.  I had no idea that I would feel such an emotional connection - particularly during the initial setting of the Hogwart's defenses.  From that moment on, I was hooked. Go Maggie Smith!

The battle scenes were well played without going overboard (Pirates of the Caribbean - anyone?). The emotional scenes were nicely done, meaning the tears came at the right place along with the quivering chins and runny noses.  One benefit of 3D glasses is that they hide the misty eyes, but misty eyes and 3D are not very compatable.

So without giving anything away to the peeps who have this movie on their list - I will say that I was very, very pleased. The movie provided a fitting and well crafted ending for the franchise. I did not feel as if I was missing anything by not having read the books. And, I was happy that some of my favorite characters were included, no matter how small their roles, and others acheived a well earned redemption.

Other notes:
  1. The 3D was well done, but there were very few effects that were highlighted or enhanced by the 3D.  I do not think that it added anything to the story - other than the price premium.  I would suggest that unless you are planning to see the movie in IMAX - go for the standard, 2D version.
  2. The obligatory Harry Potter shirtless scene proves that he has grown past early puberty.  He is going to be a hairy little monkey, that one.

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