Monday, July 25, 2011

2 Girls - 1 Mouth

Well, actually a hygienist and a dentist, but they were both female.

Today I was scheduled for a Gingivectomy to remove some excess gum tissue around my back lower molars. Apparently, that area of my mouth did not receive the invitation to recede along with the rest of my gums, so the dentist helped them along. The idea is to open up that area so that I can more effectively clean between those teeth. Sounds a bit counter intuitive to strip away the connective tissues that hold things together, but I bow to Dr Arrick's expertise. She and her staff have always treated me well.

I guess I should thank my dearly departed grandmother for handing down such a terrible set of gums.  She, my uncle, and I have all progressed along the same path. I do not look forward to my snaggle toothed future. I am guessing that flossing will not be such a big issue in my old age. But, I should probably start saving now for a lovely set of chompers to make it through my golden years.

All in all, the process was pretty painless. The anticipation was much worse than the procedure. The numbing agent is just wearing off now. There is mild discomfort, but I am trying to get ahead of it with a dose of Aleve. I see a giant bowl of mashed potatoes in my future. And possibly some delightful pain killers before bed.  Ahhh - better living through chemistry.

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