Saturday, March 29, 2014

Vacation 2014: Retrospective

Sailing back to Barbados was as rough as sailing out of it. The showers that created that breathtaking rainbow over St. Lucia caught up with us and put a damper on our final night together. After a last Jack Daniels on the rocks I was off to bed soon after Amy and Freddy's show.

When I awoke Saturday morning, we were docked in Barbados. There would be one last breakfast together and then we would be scattering to the winds. Some people had an early departure. Some were leaving later in the afternoon, others were staying on for another day or two. Regardless, we were all moving away from each other, back to our regular lives, jobs, families, and friends.

As always, Concierge Travel had all the logistics under control. All I had to do was show up at the allotted time, exit through customs, hand my luggage to the bus driver, and follow instructions. Those of us flying out  in the afternoon were dropped off at the Tiki Bar on the beach to hang out for a few hours before heading home.

I spent these hours trying to get online - along with every other person there, and writing in my journal. Twelve hours later I was back home in Raleigh - tired, cold, and tan.

As I write this final vacation post and think back on this week, it really was among the best I have
had. This could have been partly due to the challenge I set for myself as I was flying out of Miami. While watching the innumerable islands, atolls, sandbars, and reefs pass beneath me, I challenged myself to be more adventurous, more open to meeting new people, and to be more willing to just have fun. Simply put, I challenged myself to say yes.

For me, it is always much easier to stand behind others and watch life from the sidelines. Not only is it often safer, but if I don't have a great time, I can always blame someone else. Looking back, I think I actually rose to my own challenge. I met so many new people. Some of the most memorable minutes were spent with people I met for the first time on this trip. Brian's pep talk on our first night in Barbados, discovering James' kindheartedness, exploring Barbados, fully experiencing the joy of first seeing John and Jay at the welcome party, reuniting with old friends, seeing the unimaginably beautiful night sky in the middle of the ocean, riding in the nets with Tom, being reminded by Joe of the importance of keeping up my practice, dancing, dancing, dancing, chatting with Amy, seeing Jay's smiling face every morning, and overhearing John describe our day in Grenada as the best day ever.

And, perhaps I have learned something as well. The joy of living, the importance of friends, and the excitement of discovering the world. All of these things seem to have stuck with me well past my return home. There is no reason why everyday can't be experienced as if it were a great adventure.

My friend, Dan D., once shared his philosophy with me as we were waiting for a flight in the LaGuardia airport. He said, "The universe always says yes. If you say that your life sucks, the universe will respond "Yes, it does." If you say your live is great, the universe will say 'Yes, it is.' " I often think of this conversation. The more I consider it, the more I think he is right.

This was a great vacation.
Today was a wonderful day
Tomorrow is going to be even better.


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