Monday, March 10, 2014

Vacation 2014: Isla Margarita - Venezuela

Venezuela - put a pin in it!
Safe Harbor
The floors have stopped bucking.
The bed no longer feels like a mechanical bull ride (in the bad way).
The sun shines a little more brightly.
I am hungry.
Potato Croquettes are just a fancy name for poorly prepared (dry, crumbly) Tater Tots. There are protests in the streets to overthrow the Venezuelan President.
As John said, "I'm here on vacation. I don't want to be a story on CNN."

Because of the political unrest and planned protests in the main port city of Isla Margarita, our ship was diverted from the original port to Guamache, a fenced-in pier / shopping area / cafe / beach spot. The passengers who booked excursions were off early in the morning. We, however, lingered over coffee and then had a casual stroll down to the beach followed by a little time stimulating the local economy by purchasing post cards, necklaces, magnets, souvenirs and gifts - the normal tourist fare.

Approaching Isla Margarita

La Isla bonita es muy grande

Welcome to Guamache, Venezuela

This will always be our Venezuela! No tourists allowed beyond the watch tower.

Mai Tai - the drink of the day!

While we were not spending the day in a touristy South American city as expected, the ground was mercifully stable, the vendors were friendly and the goods were obscenely inexpensive. It was sunny, hot, and humid, my favorite type of weather. My slight sunburn from Barbados had also healed enough for a long soak in the pool, which in turn lead to a few Mai Tais before the sail away party and sunset watching.

Although the day did not turn out as expected due to our diversion, it proved to be a fun day with no pressure, no schedule, no agenda - just vacation. Also, while soaking in the pool, we made a few new acquaintances. During the sail away/ sunset watching party we met Bob and Tom from Norfolk who are both quite knowledgeable about sailing having served in the Navy and Coast Guard.

After dinner there was a pajama movie party with the Rocky Horror Picture Show - complete with re-enactors. After such a relaxing day, I decided to skip the movie and make it an early evening so I turned in around 9:30. I heard the pajama party and dancing afterwards were great fun. 

It was a good day.

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