Monday, August 1, 2011

Worst Fortune Cookie Ever

I do not particularly like the flavor of fortune cookies, but I enjoy reading the fortunes - and adding the requisite "... in bed" to end of the fortune.  An alternative to this sophomoric game is to add "... at the orphanage" for a droll twist.  I learned that one from Jeffrey M.

But how do you have fun with this fortune: "For better health, eat more Chinese food."

For better health, eat more Chinese food - in bed.
For better health, eat more Chinese food - at the orphanage.

This was not a fortune. It was an advertisement. Humph!

1 comment:

  1. i have had two horrible fortune cookie fortunes in my life: 1. "It's time to order more fortune cookies." 2. "School lunches are good, and good for you too."
