Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Meat Parade

The job continues to take more time outside of business hours, my refuge at the gym is now teeming with refugees due the closing of the other downtown gym, and it is so hot my constant sweating is melting through my defenses. I am not a type A personality, but lately I have found myself shouting in the car at other drivers or at people who walk out into the street against the light, or grumbling at people who block the grocery store aisles, or folks wondering without purpose blocking the sidewalk.  So it is fair to say that my grumpy old man is, at the very least, enjoying his bit part this summer.

It has been difficult this week keeping him hidden from view. I feel him lurking just beneath the surface constantly struggling to make his appearance in the movie of my life. Usually, a deep breath, a reassessment of the situation, and placing things in perspective is enough to push the grumpy old man back behind the curtain. However, this week has proven to be a challenge and he has become more persistent in demanding his time in front of the camera.  After all, he has been waiting a long time for his starring role. He knows his time is coming.

Thursdays are my usual night out at the pub (Tir Na Nog) to blow off some steam. It is $4 cheeseburger night, which means a tasty burger and a few PBR's for around $15 or so. I usually join my friend Jason who enjoys debating burning societal issues, our respective Homeowner's Associations, travel deals, downtown parking, and complaining about his job. Jason is also one of the few people who instinctively knows the combination to open the doors that let my angry, grumpy old man out into the open. However, I did not hear from him Thursday and planned to stay in and watch a bit to TV. 

Therefore, I was grateful to receive an invitation to celebrate Cathy H's birthday at the pub Thursday night.  Thursday's are also Local Beer / Local Band night at the pub. The micro brew beer special is tasty and free live music is always a plus. Usually I am heading home around the time the band gets started, but tonight was a special occasion, and I had prepared by having a quick nap after work. I arrived a little early and joined Mark H at a sidewalk table between the entrance and exit to the pub. Although the heat was still oppressive at 9:00 PM (88F 70% humidity), our table was perfect for watching the sweating crowds milling around downtown. Lowell arrived shortly after I did, and was soon followed by Cathy and Arjay who crowded in around the table.

It appeared that the local college students are returning to town ahead of schedule this year. It is also possible that they are on schedule and I am just not prepared to hand the pub back over to them. But, with that said, the parade of young, juicy, sidewalk meat was particularly entertaining Thursday night.  Mark and Arjay were impressed by the number of free-range boobies the ladies were sporting. Cathy and I discussed the inappropriate pairing of light brown suede ankle boots with black cocktail dresses. Arjay and I wondered when male fashion actually moved so far beyond us. The boy hipster uniform of choice in Raleigh seems to be skinny jeans with a plaid short sleeve shirt. Throw in a shaggy haircut, bushy unkempt beard, hole stretchers, geek-chic glasses, some tattoos and you too can achieve this look.  It appears that young men's fashion is now favoring hobbits - the hairier the better.

With a few more beers, our enjoyment of the meat parade waned. One can only pass judgement for so long without feeling a little dirty and/or bitchy. So, our group turned in on itself for some witty conversation, snappy observations, brilliant insights, and a bit of gossip. After settling our tabs, we headed home around 1:00 AM. My grumpy old man must have surrendered his struggle early Thursday, because he was not to be found as I crawled into bed, wandering how the time had passed so quickly.

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