Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cliches, Metaphors, and Thrills

There are several cliches, metaphors, and similes that come to mind when I think back over the last few weeks.
  • Life is not a sprint, but a marathon
  • It's not the destination that's important, but the journey
  • On your deathbed you will not wish you had spent more time at work
  • Money can't buy happiness
  • Time flies when you are having a great time
  • Everyday above ground is a good day
  • Life is like a box of chocolates

You get the idea. But, it seems that I have been on the up side of the roller coaster for the last several months. And, that is not a bad thing. The up side is where the anticipation builds to the point where you can't hold in the excitement any longer. Your heart pounds, your breathing quickens, giggles slip out, and your whole body clenches in anticipation of what is just over the horizon.

At the moment, I am poised in that moment just at the top of the first big rise, at the apogee, where the thrill of what is to come battles with the desire to go back to the safety that lies behind me. However, I bought the ticket and strapped myself in, I have no choice now but to take a deep breath, lift my arms above my head, enjoy the plunge,  and scream in exhilaration - regardless of what lies ahead.

On the up side of this ride, I am finishing up my "double duty." My consultancy gig with my former employer is winding down so I will soon have my evenings free again. I have wrapped my head around the demands of my new job and embraced the challenges it poses. Everyday, I am eager to arrive in the office and do my best to assist people in fulfilling their dreams of publication. While, it will be some time before I have even a yeoman's understanding of the publishing business, I am starting to feel a bit more confident.

As I head over the top of this first hill, I have several huge projects to complete as we continue to rewrite and improve our publication applications. Tucked in among all this work, I have also been asked to join the team heading to New York City for Book Expo America (BEA) in early June. This is the largest publishing event in North America. I will there with our marketing and executive teams rubbing elbows with the players in the industry.

I love the city.
I love creative people.
I love my life.
I love the roller coaster!

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