Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stranger than Fiction? Or Just Coincidence?

You know you have been away from your blog too long when someone who says they don't read it mentions that you haven't posted lately.  So, thanks Jason - I hope you see this and know that you were my inspiration to rededicate myself to this blog.

As to my extended neglect of this blog site, I really have no excuse other than I have been actively working on my 2012 list of resolutions. Suffice it to say that 2012 has been very, very good to me.... more on that to come. Now back to the blog.

When I was more actively blogging, I found myself living a somewhat anecdotally driven life. Every experience was examined from the prism of "will this make a good story?" or "how can I spin this to be more entertaining?" This past week, something occurred that jarred me out of my staid existence. Something even stranger than the start of the zombie apocalypse in Miami earlier this summer.

My personal email address is glennrhunt@*****.com. Since my first name is more commonly spelled with one n, there are times when someone I know will send an email to glenrhunt@*****.com, who incidentally lives in California. When it is obvious that I have received something intended for him, or vice verse, we just forward it along to the correct glen(n). Besides the fact that we both work in the technology industry, we are obviously both very kind and caring individuals. Hahahah!

The story gets even better. Last week, my veterinarian sent a reminder that it was time to schedule my pet's 6 month checkup, but it was sent to Glen with one n. He forwarded it to me and I replied, "Roxy and I thank you for this reminder." His response: "You are not going to believe this, but my pet's name is Rocky."

How weird is that?  I think I need to meet this doppelganger. I wonder what else we have in common?

BTW - While I was away, this blog limped across the 5000 page view milestone. I am so happy that you like me, you really, really like me. I have a lot to share in the coming weeks. I hope you will stick around and see me to my next milestone. Ciao for now!

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