The irony of this situation was that I received the call while driving to a team building outing with one of the development teams I support. So while I was bursting to share my exciting news with someone, I did not want my manager to learn of my departure before I had a chance to break the news to her myself. Needless to say, I was quite a bit more giggly, giddy, and animated than usual during lunch.
After our outing, I pulled aside my work "wife." She had once told me that I could never leave her for another job or warmer climates and palm trees. At that time I responded to her that if I should ever have the opportunity to move to sunnier climes, that after me, she would be the second person to know about it. And while I was so thrilled and excited to share my news, I died just a little when I saw the look of disappointment on her face. Of course she immediately gave me a big hug and congratulated me. She is a good wife indeed.
Little did I know that all this week I would continue seeing that same look - just a tiny flash of disappointment - on the faces of my team mates as they each learned of my pending departure. For some time now I have known that leaving Peoplefluent would be a difficult choice. After all I like my work, I get paid well, the office is two blocks from my home, I like the people I work with, and I am not unhappy with my circumstances.
And yet I know myself and have seen this writing on the wall before. After all, no matter how well fed the bird in the gilded cage is, he is still in a cage. It is only a matter of time before the bars of that beautiful cage begin to chafe and I begin to resent the lack of career growth and available paths. So, I am flying the coup while I can still laugh and enjoy myself at work. More than anything, I want to leave with good memories of my time at Peoplefluent.
Yes, I will have to drive two miles to work. My car will appreciate the exercise. I will continue to work as a technical writer, but with a completely different voice. My work will be visible to a wider audience and I am thrilled to be working with a young, dedicated, creative team who all work to help others realize their dreams and ambitions. Check it out - I will start my new job at Lulu Press in 12 days.
Tick, tick, tick.....
Yay, right down the street from my work! We'll have to "do lunch!" :-) Congratulations, my friend!